Benchmark #1048

Soulstone Survivors - Steam Deck Performance (1080p vs 1280x800)

Soulstone Survivors - Steam Deck Performance (1080p vs 1280x800) performance log.

Submitted 1 month ago by triffy.

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
Soulstone Survivors 1280x800 Steam Runtime 2 (soldier) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
Soulstone Survivors 1920x1080 Steam Runtime 2 (soldier) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `Soulstone Survivors 1280x800` has a mean FPS approximately 50% higher than the 1080p run. * **Smoothest FPS**: `Soulstone Survivors 1920x1080` demonstrates significantly lower FPS variance, being nearly 67% more stable than the 1280x800 run. * **Best overall**: `Soulstone Survivors 1280x800` balances high performance with reasonable stability, providing a better overall experience with higher FPS. # Issues: * The 1080p resolution suffers from a significant drop in average FPS compared to the 1280x800 run, approximately 33% lower on average. * The CPU load is higher in the 1080p run compared to 1280x800, metric being about 23% more, possibly affecting FPS performance. # Summary The benchmark compares performance of "Soulstone Survivors" on the Steam Deck at two different resolutions: 1280x800 and 1920x1080. Running at 1280x800 resolution offers enhanced performance, achieving significantly higher average FPS with reasonable stability. However, at 1920x1080, the game maintains more stable frame rates albeit at much lower FPS, which can impact gameplay fluidity. The higher CPU load in the 1080p run can be a contributing factor to the reduced FPS. Overall, playing at 1280x800 is preferable for those prioritizing performance.