Benchmark #1066

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart - Steam Deck Performance Comparison (1080p vs 1280x800)

The game is quite light, however it seems there are some anomalies on the data. While it looks like the FPS is not so stable according to the data (1280x800), gameplay-wise it's entirely smooth.

Submitted 1 month ago by triffy.

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
Void Rains 1080p Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
Void Rains 1280x800 Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `Void Rains 1280x800` with a mean FPS approximately 5% higher compared to the other resolution. * **Smoothest FPS**: `Void Rains 1080p` with significantly lower FPS variance, indicating much more stable performance. * **Best overall**: `Void Rains 1080p`, as it provides a good balance of stability and FPS, prioritizing smoothness. # Issues: * The 1280x800 resolution showed a variance about 80 times greater than the 1080p resolution, indicating significant instability in FPS. * Both runs used the exact same hardware and software configurations indicating that the resolution is the main different factor affecting performance. # Summary In this benchmark comparison focused on the game "The Void Rains Upon Her Heart" played on a Steam Deck, the test evaluated performance differences between two resolutions: 1080p and 1280x800. It is clear that while the 1280x800 resolution reaches higher FPS averages, it suffers from severe stability issues as seen in the FPS variance. On the other hand, the 1080p resolution, despite having slightly lower FPS, provides a much smoother gameplay experience due to its lower FPS variance. Given this context, 1080p offers a with a more consistent and pleasing gaming experience, especially important for portable gaming scenarios where smoothness often takes precedence over raw frame rate values.