Benchmark #1067

Reverse Collapse: Codename Bakery - Steam Deck Performance Comparison (1080p vs 1280x800)

Played on High settings, unlimited framerate.

Submitted 1 month ago by triffy.

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
Codename Bakery 1080p trimmed Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
Codename Bakery 1280x800 trimmed Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 16 GB 6.5.0-valve22-1-neptune-65-g9a338ed8a75e schedutil
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `Codename Bakery 1280x800 trimmed` - It has a significantly higher mean FPS compared to the alternative resolution, resulting in a smoother gaming experience. * **Smoothest FPS**: `Codename Bakery 1080p trimmed` - The standard deviation and variance in FPS are lower, providing a more consistent frame rate with fewer fluctuations. * **Best overall**: `Codename Bakery 1280x800 trimmed` - While it has a higher variance, the substantial increase in FPS outweighs the slight decrease in consistency, offering the best performance overall. # Summary This benchmark compares the performance of "Reverse Collapse: Codename Bakery" running on the Steam Deck at two different resolutions: 1080p and 1280x800. Both runs utilized identical hardware and software configurations with Linux `schedutil` scheduler, ensuring a fair comparison. The 1280x800 resolution results in a markedly higher average FPS, making it the top choice for optimal performance despite slight variations in frame consistency. The 1080p resolution, although more stable, delivers lower average FPS. Therefore, for players prioritizing performance and higher frame rates on the Steam Deck, the 1280x800 setting is recommended.