Benchmark #108

osu!stable + ffmpeg - BORE vs lavd vs bpfland

scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-1

Submitted 1 month ago by .dnaim

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
osu!stable-BORE CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.2-2-cachyos powersave
osu!stable-lavd CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.2-2-cachyos powersave
osu!stable-bpfland CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.2-2-cachyos powersave
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `osu!stable-BORE` provides the highest average FPS at approximately 6% higher compared to the next best run. * **Smoothest FPS**: `osu!stable-lavd` demonstrates the smoothest performance with the lowest FPS variance and standard deviation, making it the most stable. * **Best overall**: `osu!stable-BORE` is the best overall as it achieves the highest FPS while maintaining a reasonable stability, with its FPS standard deviation being only slightly higher than the most stable run. # Issues: * The run with the `bpfland` scheduler shows a significantly worse FPS performance, about 11% lower on average compared to the best run, and has a markedly higher FPS variance and standard deviation. * The `bpfland` scheduler also shows a lower GPU core clock and larger variance in GPU core clock, which could contribute to the lower FPS performance. * The CPU load variance in the `bpfland` run is also higher, indicating more inconsistency in CPU utilization which might affect overall stability. # Summary This benchmark compares the performance of three scx schedulers (`BORE`, `lavd`, and `bpfland`) using `osu!stable` with `ffmpeg` on CachyOS. The `BORE` scheduler outperforms the others in terms of highest average FPS, while the `lavd` scheduler offers the smoothest experience with the lowest variance in FPS. The `bpfland` scheduler, however, struggles significantly, having the lowest average FPS, highest FPS variance, and inconsistencies in both GPU and CPU performance. These results suggest that while `BORE` and `lavd` schedulers offer high and stable performance, `bpfland` might require optimizations for better gaming and rendering experiences.