Benchmark #147

Overwatch 2 ASDF Early testing

Teamfight test No background load

Submitted 1 month ago by aarrayy

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
ASDF CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
BPFLAND-k-c0 CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
BPFLAND-k-t0 CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `BPFLAND-k-t0` with approximately 1% higher average FPS. * **Smoothest FPS**: `BPFLAND-k-c0` with about 2% lower FPS variance. * **Best overall**: `BPFLAND-k-c0`, balancing high FPS with the lowest variance. # Issues: * The run labeled "BPFLAND-k-t0" has a higher variance in FPS, around 10% more compared to other runs, indicating less stability. # Summary This benchmark for Overwatch 2 on CachyOS with an AMD Radeon R7 370 Series GPU and AMD FX-6300 CPU focused on teamfight scenarios without background load. All runs utilized the same hardware and software setup. The testing between the vanilla approach, the first `BPFLAND` configuration, and the second `BPFLAND` configuration revealed that the first `BPFLAND` configuration (`BPFLAND-k-c0`) performed the best overall, offering a high mean FPS with the lowest FPS variance, thus delivering a smoother gaming experience.