Benchmark #160

Overwatch 2 ASDF Slice test & misc

Submitted 1 month ago by aarrayy

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
ASDF-default CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
ASDF-maxminslice-1ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
ASDF-maxslice-20ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
ASDF-minmaxslice-1ms-slicelag-1ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
ASDF-minmaxslice-1ms-slicelag-minus1ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
Rusty CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `ASDF-maxminslice-1ms` with mean FPS approximately 2% higher than others. * **Smoothest FPS**: `ASDF-minmaxslice-1ms-slicelag-minus1ms` with the lowest FPS variance by around 5%. * **Best overall**: `ASDF-minmaxslice-1ms-slicelag-minus1ms` due to a good balance of a high mean FPS and the lowest FPS variance. # Issues: * The run using `Rusty` configuration has an average FPS approximately 4% lower compared to the highest performing run, along with a relatively higher FPS variance. This indicates significantly worse performance in consistency and speed. # Summary This benchmark focuses on comparing different slice configurations for `ASDF` and one configuration for `Rusty` under consistent hardware and software conditions on CachyOS. Among these, the `ASDF-maxminslice-1ms` configuration achieved the highest overall FPS, suggesting it is optimized for peak performance. However, the configuration with a balanced slice and slight lag (`ASDF-minmaxslice-1ms-slicelag-minus1ms`) showcased the most stable performance with the lowest variance, making it the best overall choice for both high performance and smooth experience. The configuration labeled `Rusty`, while comparable in setup, noticeably underperformed in terms of both mean FPS and stability.