Benchmark #161

Overwatch 2 ASDF Early testing

background load = Twitch stream 720p60

Submitted 1 month ago by aarrayy

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
asdf-1ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
asdf-default CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
bpfland-1ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
bpfland-default CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
bpfland-slicelag-minus2ms CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series (RADV PITCAIRN) AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.10.1-2-cachyos
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `bpfland-default` - This run achieved the highest average FPS among all tests. * **Smoothest FPS**: `bpfland-default` - This run exhibited the lowest standard deviation and variance in FPS, indicating the smoothest performance. * **Best overall**: `bpfland-default` - This configuration provided the best balance of high FPS and stability. # Issues: * The `bpfland-1ms` run had significantly higher CPU temperature variance compared to others, which could be a concern for long-term stability. * The `bpfland-1ms` run also used more swap memory, indicating potential memory management inefficiencies compared to other runs. # Summary This benchmark compares different `asdf` and `bpfland` scheduler configurations for Overwatch 2 performance on CachyOS with AMD hardware. The `bpfland-default` configuration outperformed others, offering the highest average FPS and the smoothest gameplay experience, making it the best overall choice. Slight variations in CPU temperature and memory use were noted across different runs, but these did not significantly impact the performance outcomes. This insight is valuable for users looking to optimize their gaming experience using various BPF scheduler configurations on a similar setup.