Benchmark #181

Isonzo --- Rust schedulers 2

Submitted 1 month ago by cuysaurus

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
bore CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Intel Core i5-10600K CPU @ 4.10GHz 17 GB 6.10.3-3-cachyos performance
bpfland CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Intel Core i5-10600K CPU @ 4.10GHz 17 GB 6.10.3-3-cachyos performance
lavd CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Intel Core i5-10600K CPU @ 4.10GHz 17 GB 6.10.3-3-cachyos performance
# Top runs - `bpfland` has the **Highest FPS** with an average that is more than 10% higher than the other runs. - `bore` has the **Smoothest FPS** with a standard deviation of FPS that is 30% lower than others. - `bore` is the **Best overall** run by balancing a high average FPS and the lowest FPS variability. # Issues - `bpfland` run has an 80% lower Lowest FPS compared to the others, which could indicate a significant performance drop at certain times despite having the highest average FPS. # Summary All three runs used identical hardware and software configurations, indicating the data is comparable. `bore` presents the best overall stability and performance balance, while `bpfland` offers the highest average FPS but suffers from significant frame drops. `lavd` performed consistently but was slightly behind `bore` both in terms of average FPS and stability. The key issue observed for `bpfland` could be due to its higher variance in GPU load and power, leading to decreased performance stability. Overall, the `bore` run is optimized for both FPS smoothness and consistency.