Benchmark #214

The Finals Wayland vs X11

Submitted 6 months ago by _thefroggyman

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
The Finals Wayland Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.10.3-4-cachyos performance
The Finals x11 Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.10.3-4-cachyos performance
## Top runs - **Highest FPS**: `The Finals Wayland` had the highest average FPS. - **Smoothest FPS**: `The Finals X11` exhibited the smoothest FPS with the lowest standard deviation and variance. - **Best overall**: `The Finals Wayland`, with a higher FPS and only a slightly higher standard deviation compared to `The Finals X11`. ## Issues - `The Finals X11` had an average FPS significantly lower than `The Finals Wayland` by over 7%. ## Summary The benchmark compared two runs using Wayland and X11 on identical hardware and software configurations. `The Finals Wayland` achieved higher average FPS and was the best overall run, though `The Finals X11` was the smoothest in terms of FPS stability. Notably, `The Finals X11` lagged behind Wayland by over 7% in average FPS, indicating a clear issue with performance on X11 in this context. Apart from this significant disparity in FPS, both runs performed relatively close in other aspects like CPU and GPU loads, temperatures, and power usage.