Benchmark #271

osu!stable + OBS x264 - lavd vs bpfland-next

Submitted 4 weeks ago by .dnaim

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
bpfland-next-lowlatency CachyOS AMD Radeon Graphics AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.6-2-cachyos powersave
bpfland-next CachyOS AMD Radeon Graphics AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.6-2-cachyos powersave
lavd CachyOS AMD Radeon Graphics AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.6-2-cachyos powersave
lavd-performance CachyOS AMD Radeon Graphics AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.6-2-cachyos powersave
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `bpfland-next-lowlatency` with an average FPS over 5% higher than other runs, providing the best performance. * **Smoothest FPS**: `lavd-performance` with a significantly lower standard deviation in FPS, indicating minimal variance. * **Best overall**: `bpfland-next-lowlatency` as it provides the highest FPS and reasonable stability, slightly better than other runs. # Issues: * The comparison between the runs using the `lavd` scheduler shows a significantly lower overall FPS compared to the `bpfland-next` scheduler, with `lavd-performance` and `lavd` runs showing up to 15% lower FPS. * The `swap used` in the `lavd-performance` run shows higher variability compared to other runs. * The `RAM used` in the `bpfland-next` run is higher by around 5% compared to other runs, though this doesn't directly affect FPS, consistency in memory usage is preferable. # Summary The benchmark evaluates the performance differences between the `lavd` and `bpfland-next` schedulers on a `CachyOS` system running on an `AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition` CPU and `AMD Radeon Graphics` GPU. The `bpfland-next-lowlatency` run achieved the highest FPS and offered a good balance of performance and stability, making it the best overall. Conversely, the `lavd` scheduler consistently showed lower FPS than the `bpfland-next` scheduler, even when run in performance mode. The overall results favor the `bpfland-next` scheduler for optimal FPS in this particular setup.