Benchmark #362

Smol osu comparision

Submitted 3 weeks ago by aarrayy

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
bore-userspace CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bore-schedutil CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bore-powersave CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bore-performance CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bore-ondemand CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bore-conservative CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-powersave-schedutil CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-performance-schedutil CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-balanced-schedutil CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-powersave CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-performance-ondemand CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
lavd-balanced-ondemand CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-userspace CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-schedutil CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-powersave CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-performance CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-conservative CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
bpfland-ondemand CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series AMD FX-6300 Six-Core Processor 12 GB 6.11.0-rc4-2-cachyos-rc ondemand
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `bpfland-performance` and provided the highest average FPS while maintaining consistent performance throughout the benchmark. * **Smoothest FPS**: `bpfland-schedutil` as it achieved the lowest standard deviation and variance in FPS, indicating very stable frame rates. * **Best overall**: `bpfland-schedutil` because it combined high FPS with the smoothest overall performance, striking a balance between high frame rates and stable gameplay. # Issues: * The run using the power save mode in the bore- categories resulted in an average FPS significantly lower, almost 60% less than the best performing run. This is a clear indication that the power save configuration greatly impacts performance negatively. * In the bore-conservative configuration, there was also a noticeable reduction in FPS (by roughly 35%) compared to other configurations, suggesting it doesn't optimize for high performance well. * The bpfland-power save mode faced similar issues with FPS significantly lower, about 65% less than the best performing configuration, highlighting that this mode severely hinders game performance. # Summary This benchmark compared various configurations and scheduler settings on a system running CachyOS with an AMD FX-6300 CPU and an AMD Radeon R7 370 GPU. The highest performance and smoothest gameplay were achieved with the `bpfland-schedutil` configuration, indicating it effectively balances high frame rates with stable performance. In contrast, power-saving and conservative configurations across different schedulers significantly underperformed, illustrating a considerable trade-off between power efficiency and gaming performance. The results plainly show the importance of choosing the right scheduler and settings to achieve the best gaming experience on similar hardware setups.