Benchmark #491

CP2077 Custom - BORE vs. LAVD - 6.11rc7

1440p - Ultra Preset - FSR Off

Submitted 5 days ago by lionheartp

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_BORE_SMT-auto Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (RADV NAVI31) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.11.0-rc7-2-cachyos-rc powersave
Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_BORE_SMT-off Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (RADV NAVI31) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.11.0-rc7-2-cachyos-rc powersave
Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_LAVD_SMT-auto Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (RADV NAVI31) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.11.0-rc7-2-cachyos-rc powersave
Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_LAVD_SMT-off Steam Runtime 3 (sniper) AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (RADV NAVI31) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 34 GB 6.11.0-rc7-2-cachyos-rc powersave
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_BORE_SMT-off` with approximately 3% higher FPS, indicating superior frame rate performance compared to others. * **Smoothest FPS**: `Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_BORE_SMT-off` with a significantly lower standard deviation and variance, ensuring more consistent frame delivery. * **Best overall**: `Cyberpunk2077_2024-09-14_BORE_SMT-off` as it balances high FPS with smooth frame timings, making it the superior choice for overall gaming performance. # Issues: * The `LAVD` run with `SMT-off` has notably lower FPS performance, approximately 21% lower compared to the best performing setup. This lower performance could be attributed to a consistently lower GPU load and GPU power consumption observed during the run, indicating possible inefficiencies or throttling. * The `LAVD` run with `SMT-auto` showed considerable fluctuations in FPS with about 29% higher variance compared to the smoothest run, suggesting stability issues even with reasonably high mean FPS. # Summary The benchmark compares FPS performance using two kernel scheduler variations - `BORE` and `LAVD`, with `SMT-auto` and `SMT-off` settings. The `BORE` configuration with `SMT-off` exhibited the best results, offering higher and more stable FPS performance, while both `LAVD` configurations struggled with lower FPS and inconsistencies. These findings indicate that the `BORE` scheduler, when optimized with `SMT-off`, provides a superior gaming experience for `Cyberpunk 2077` under the tested conditions.