Benchmark #5


No background load

Submitted 2 months ago by aarrayy

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
BOREstock CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series CachyOS 12 GB 6.10.0-rc6-1-cachyos-rc-lto
BPFlandnospeculative CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series CachyOS 12 GB 6.10.0-rc6-1-cachyos-rc-lto
BPFlandstock CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series CachyOS 12 GB 6.10.0-rc6-1-cachyos-rc-lto
BPFlandtrash0 CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series CachyOS 12 GB 6.10.0-rc6-1-cachyos-rc-lto
BPFlandtrash0nospec CachyOS AMD Radeon R7 370 Series CachyOS 12 GB 6.10.0-rc6-1-cachyos-rc-lto
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `BPFlandnospeculative` with slightly more than 0% higher average FPS in comparison to the other runs. * **Smoothest FPS**: `BPFlandstock` with a significantly lower variance in FPS, showing a smoother performance. * **Best overall**: `BPFlandnospeculative` with the highest FPS and almost the lowest variance makes it the overall best performer. # Issues: * `BPFlandtrash0` run had 2% lower FPS compared to other runs, indicating a performance hit. * All runs used the same hardware, kernel, and OS configurations, so the differences are likely due to the software scheduler used. # Summary This benchmark compares different configurations of the `BPFLAND` and `BORE` schedulers on the Osu Lazer game. The `BPFLANDnospeculative` scheduler configuration performed the best overall, offering the highest FPS and nearly the smoothest frame rate. While the `BPFLANDstock` configuration provided the smoothest FPS with the lowest variance, it fell slightly behind in average FPS. However, the `BPFLANDtrash0` showed at least a 2% lower FPS compared to the top performers indicating a less optimized performance. All runs were conducted on identical hardware and kernel settings, ensuring that any differences observed are purely due to the scheduler configurations.