Benchmark #89

osu!stable + ffmpeg - BORE vs bpfland-main vs bpfland-next vs lavd

Submitted 1 month ago by .dnaim

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
osu!stable-BORE Fedora Linux 40 (KDE Plasma) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.0-cn4.0.fc40.x86_64 powersave
osu!stable-lavd Fedora Linux 40 (KDE Plasma) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.0-cn4.0.fc40.x86_64 powersave
osu!stable-bpfland-next Fedora Linux 40 (KDE Plasma) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.0-cn4.0.fc40.x86_64 powersave
osu!stable-bpfland-main Fedora Linux 40 (KDE Plasma) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2 AMD Ryzen 5 6600HS Creator Edition 14 GB 6.10.0-cn4.0.fc40.x86_64 powersave
## Top runs - **Highest FPS:** `osu!stable-bpfland-main` with an average FPS significantly higher than all others. - **Smoothest FPS:** `osu!stable-BORE` due to the lowest standard deviation and variance in FPS values. - **Best overall:** `osu!stable-BORE` offers an excellent balance with a higher average FPS and considerably lower variance compared to other runs. ## Issues - **osu!stable-bpfland-next:** Displays a significantly lower stability with a variance multiple times higher than any other runs. Despite having a comparable average FPS, the high standard deviation indicates unstable performance which disqualifies it from being considered among the top. ## Summary The osu!stable benchmark data shows that the environment and hardware were consistently maintained across all runs, ensuring fair comparison. The `osu!stable-bpfland-main` run demonstrated the highest average FPS, marking it as the top performer in terms of raw performance. On the other hand, `osu!stable-BORE` emerged as the smoothest run with the lowest variance and standard deviation in FPS values, indicating the most stable performance. It also qualifies as the best overall due to its balance of high frame rates and stability. Conversely, `osu!stable-bpfland-next` encountered significant instability with an exceptionally high variance, making it the poorest performer in terms of consistency. No other significant issues were identified across the remaining runs. This comprehensive review helps in differentiating the runs based on both FPS performance and stability, providing clear insights into each benchmark's strengths and weaknesses.