Benchmark #134

Rocket League Bpflands

Submitted 1 month ago by yubysowhat

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
Bpfland -next CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor 17 GB 6.10.2-2-cachyos powersave
Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4 CachyOS NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor 17 GB 6.10.2-2-cachyos powersave
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4` with an average FPS around 16% higher than the other run. This indicates a significantly better performance in terms of frame rate. * **Smoothest FPS**: `Bpfland -next` with the lowest standard deviation in FPS, around 13% lower compared to the other run, suggesting more consistent frame rates. * **Best overall**: `Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4` overall balances higher average FPS with smooth frame times, making it preferable. # Issues: * The GPU load for `Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4` is about 16% higher compared to the other configuration, leading to increased stress on the hardware, including around 9% higher average GPU temperature and around 13% higher GPU power consumption. * The CPU temperature for `Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4` is significantly higher by around 16%, which could indicate worse thermal management under this configuration. # Summary The benchmarks compare two configurations on the `CachyOS` operating system, both with an `NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti` GPU and `AMD Ryzen 7 5700X` CPU. One of the runs uses an older `Bpfland -next` configuration, while the other uses the `Bpfland scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4` setup. The `Bpfland scx-scheds-git` configuration significantly outperforms in average FPS but exhibits higher GPU load, temperature, and power consumption. The `Bpfland -next` setup demonstrates more stable frame times and lower hardware stress, making it a more balanced option for sustained performance.