Benchmark #431

Baldur's Gate 3: eevdf vs lavd

10 minutes duration, captured every frame, semi-automated testing, in-game camera spin.

Submitted 2 weeks ago by erikas2

Label OS GPU CPU RAM OS specific
eevdf CachyOS AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 12 GB 6.10.6-3-cachyos-deckify-eevdf schedutil
lavd CachyOS AMD Custom GPU 0405 (RADV VANGOGH) AMD Custom APU 0405 12 GB 6.10.7-2-cachyos-deckify schedutil
# Top runs: * **Highest FPS**: `lavd` - This run achieved the highest average FPS, approximately 6% higher than the other run. * **Smoothest FPS**: `eevdf` - This run had the lowest standard deviation and variance in FPS, making it the smoothest experience. * **Best overall**: `lavd` - Despite having a slightly higher variance, the significantly higher FPS makes this the best overall performance. # Issues: * The CPU load in the `lavd` run is consistently higher by around 11% compared to the `eevdf` run. This may indicate less efficiency in CPU utilization for the `lavd` configuration. * The `lavd` run shows a significantly higher GPU core clock, indicating the GPU was pushed harder, yet this correlates with the higher FPS achieved. * There is a notable increase in GPU power consumption by around 30% in the `lavd` run, which may not be ideal for power-sensitive applications. # Summary The benchmark comparison between the `eevdf` and `lavd` configurations for **Baldur's Gate 3** shows that although the `lavd` configuration delivers higher average FPS, it does so at the expense of increased CPU load and GPU power consumption. The `eevdf` configuration, while delivering a smoother FPS experience, falls behind in raw performance. Both configurations make trade-offs, with `lavd` offering superior performance and `eevdf` offering stability and efficiency.