Benchmarks by erikas2

Benchmarks found: 51

Cyberpunk 2077: Testing various bpfland -t argument values on Steam Deck
1 month ago

in-game camera spin test

By erikas2
Cyberpunk 2077: Testing each bpfland argument for smoothest FPS on Steam Deck
1 month ago

in-game camera spin test

By erikas2
Cyberpunk 2077: Different scx schedulers (scx-scheds-git 1.0.1.r67.gd4a5a62-4)
1 month ago

Using 6.10.2-2-cachyos-deckify-lto. "bpfland_args"is "scx_bpfland -t 0 -c 0", "bpfland_pd" is "scx_bpfland --preemption-disabled", "lavd_ncc" is "scx_lavd --no-core-compaction". Used in-game camera spin for 30 seconds, as benchmark does not cause CPU stutter (probably used to benchmark graphics performance only).

By erikas2
Cyberpunk 2077: Different scx schedulers (from *-git package) (in-game camera spin)
1 month ago

bpfland_args is bpfland with "-t 0 -c 0" args. Tested on Steam Deck. Basically use joystick to spin the camera around non-stop. Simulates in-game lag, which is not visible in integrated benchmark.

By erikas2
Cyberpunk 2077: Benchmarking different scx schedulers (from *-git package)
1 month ago

bpfland_args is bpfland with "-t 0 -c 0" args. Tested on Steam Deck.

By erikas2
Cyberpunk 2077: Benchmarking different scx schedulers (from *-git package)
1 month ago

I am uploading this benchmark to understand FPS stability of different schedulers. I state that bpfland gives SUPERIOR fps stability to the point that there are no stutters at all. Remember when you set FPS limit to 40 or 30fps, so it would be stable? That's right, except bpfland gives such stable fps without any need for FPS cap. Let's see if numbers would prove me right. :D

By erikas2
Forza Horizon 5: All AMD GPU power modes (pp_power_profile_mode)
2 months ago

Basically 'echo "manual" > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_dpm_force_performance_level' and each option in /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pp_power_profile_mode

By erikas2
Forza Horizon 5: Benchmark different power modes of AMD GPU
2 months ago

Using CoreCTRL for this.

By erikas2
Forza Horizon 5: Benchmark consistency with identical settings
2 months ago

I've started a game and ran FH5 benchmark 3 times, one after another, on idle system, BORE scheduler, to understand about error size (e.g. how much each FPS avg can differ from other run). Number represent benchmark run index (again - identical settings, one after another).

By erikas2
Forza Horizon 5: Windows vs Linux
2 months ago

Using mesa-git on Linux, RADV driver. Can you tell why GPU power usage is much lower on Linux in comparison to Windows? Bug? :)

By erikas2